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Trencher Hire Praised For Professionalism
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When Julian Syson wanted to dig a near 100 metres long channel in his garden - leading to a new ‘man-cave’ - he did consider buying a trencher, as he found few were available for hire in the North West region (a pattern all over the country).


But he found Trencher Hire on the internet and booked a Toro TRX16 with operator and was suitably impressed. “The service was outstanding. I was expecting a day of discomfort and pain, but instead got an excellent operator who made the job look easy, digging the trench in about an hour from the house boundary to the new building at the bottom of the garden.”


The cable was dropped straight into the trench, together with two underground Network cables, allowing us to run power and Internet down to the ‘Bar’ in the building. Due to the length of the run, a larger than normal cable had to be run as there was also a demand for heating and a large current would be drawn.


Julian, who is Managing Director of Love Medical Ltd, lives in Cheshire East. He says that the Bar in the new building measures approximately 7m x 4m, which is just under the permitted development limit. It has a full bar, a TV and a pool table. “As soon as the lockdown restrictions are lifted it will become the centre for our entertainment,” he said.

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Heol Ffaldau,

Brackla Industrial Estate,


CF31 2XE

United Kingdom

Tel: 01656 650460

Trencher Hire Ltd © 2022

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